TELECOM - traducción al francés
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TELECOM - traducción al francés

Telecom (disambiguation)

Telecom, telephone services manager, manager of the phone company
telecommunications, all electronic devices used for communications, the telecommunications industry
n. telecommunications, long-distance communication, communication performed by electronic means with nearly no restriction on distance


Note: The form 'telecommunication' is used as a modifier.
Telecommunications is the technology of sending signals and messages over long distances using electronic equipment, for example by radio and telephone.
...a Japanese telecommunication company.
N-UNCOUNT: usu N n



Telecom may refer to:

  • Telecommunications
    • A telephone company (or telecommunications service provider)
    • The telecommunications industry
  • Telecom Animation Film, a Japanese studio
Ejemplos de pronunciación para TELECOM
1. But the local telecom companies, Telecom,
Alibaba - The House That Jack Ma Built _ Duncan Clark _ Talks at Google
2. Was it British Telecom?
A Deadly Wandering _ Matt Richtel _ Talks at Google
3. Because in the Telecom Act, there is a cable telecom
AI, LA the Next Billion Users _ Vint Cerf _ Talks at Google
4. consulted in, telecom, biotech.
Reinventing You - Define Your Brand, Imagine Your Future _ Dorie Clark _ Talks at Google
5. Cell phone geolocation, telecom metadata,
Ejemplos de uso de TELECOM
1. Naguib Sawiris, patron de l‘opérateur égyptien Orsacom Telecom, se dit «intéressé» par Bouygues (EN.PA) Telecom, «si un jour Martin Bouygues veut vendre» le troisi';me opérateur mobile français.
2. China Telecom ajoute 4 millions d‘abonnés chaque mois.
3. Gen';ve a récupéré le prestigieux salon Telecom World.
4. Le canton lémanique s‘est battu pour récupérer Telecom.
5. LAutorité de régulation a vraisemblablement tranché en faveur dAlgérie Telecom.